Introduction to Pool Freediving | Molchanovs Lap 1


This course provides an excellent basic introduction to freediving, great for those who want to test the waters (pun intended) before enrolling for the open water component, or for those who are only interested in pool training. If you are very comfortable in the water and want to get the full freediving experience (pool and depth), you can sign up for the Introduction to Freediving Course (Molchanovs Wave 1) right away. 

You will start with theory lessons via a series of engaging online videos where you learn directly from the world's best freedivers on topics such as breathing techniques, physiology and safety. This is followed by a theory session with an instructor to reinforce your understanding and discuss any questions you have. 

During the following pool session, you will learn the key breathing techniques to prepare for a breath-hold dive. Relaxation, finning technique, how to dive efficiently without fins and safety principles are important components that you will be taught.

The cost includes the use of equipment, except wetsuits, which are optional and available for rent if you tend to get cold easily. 

On the successful completion of this course, you will have the option to continue to complete the open water component (additional $320) to receive a Molchanovs Wave 1 certification

Prerequisite: Swim 200m unassisted (but breathing), non-stop in a pool setting

Passing requirements*:

  • 1 min 30 sec static
  • 30m DYNB
  • Buddying and rescue

*done comfortably with good technique

Private courses are also available, please contact us for more information. 

We're excited to have you join our course! Just a heads up, we need at least 2 participants for the course to go ahead. While it's rare that we don't meet this number, in the unlikely event that we don't, you'll have the opportunity to choose a later date for the course.